Growing inside, weeding & seeding outside
We planted some spinach and wildflower wseeds outside today, after weeding out plot. Â We have some garlic growing along the fence, and the strawberries are looking to come back as well.
End of the season
Today we cleaned up our garden and planted a few garlic bulbs we found buried in the garden.
New year, new sprouts
We started a bunch more cherry tomatoes inside this year, starting them from seed. Â We also have parsley, cilantro, spinach, garlic and potatoes on the go. Â Our strawberries are coming back again this year as well.
Garden growth
We transplanted our raspberry plant to a larger pot to allow it to flourish a bit more.
New season’s planting
We did some tidying up of the garden today, and planted some lettuce, spinach, and mixed greens. Our garlic is coming up well, and the potatoes left from last year are coming back.
Winter garden blanket
We covered the garden with fallen leaves for the winter. We also planted garlic today.