Planting and trimming
Today, we  trimmed the grass in our garden and planted some sunflowers in our plot.  We also planted some wildflowers in the common area outside of our plot.
Today, we  trimmed the grass in our garden and planted some sunflowers in our plot.  We also planted some wildflowers in the common area outside of our plot.
We planted some spinach and wildflower wseeds outside today, after weeding out plot. Â We have some garlic growing along the fence, and the strawberries are looking to come back as well.
We have another sunflower blooming in our garden after the first one went to seed. Â Tomatoes are still coming in abundance as well.
Surprisingly, we found a couple of new strawberries in the garden today. Â And one is almost ripe! Â The tomatoes continue to ripen as fast as we can pick them. The giant sunflower is from the public border outside of our garden.
One of our sunflowers has blossomed nicely and the tomatoes are coming along as well. Â The cherry tomatoes are from the public border on the outside of the garden.
We’ve spotted a few new tomatoes coming in our garden, and our sunflower looks ready to bloom.